
The Meatball Sinatra

The Meatball Sinatra at Eddie D's Famous Italian Sandwiches
This sandwich is not exactly on the menu at Eddie D's. Among the add-ons available here is broccoli rabe, a vegetarian condiment of Italian broccoli rabe or rapini mixed with garlic and hot peppers. On the menu at the deli, it was described as "Sinatra-style." So I ordered a homemade meatball sandwich with the rabe. I was told no one had ever ordered that before (not surprising considering this shop is less than a year old) and that if it was good, they would add it to the specials' chalkboard and name it after me.

It is fucking good, and naming a sandwich after me would pretty much be the culmination of a lifelong dream. I suggest it be called the Brock Sinatra.

Eddie D's meatball sandwich is killer without the extras. The velvety meatballs are constructed of a beef and pork mixture, well seasoned and among the very best meatballs I've ever tasted. Combined with homemade marinara gravy and topped with parmigiano cheese on a hard Italian roll, I doubt there's a better meatball sandwich in Vegas. Adding the rabe takes it to another level. The bitterness of the greens, the heat of the fried peppers and a touch of garlic contrast pretty wildly with the decadence in each meaty mouthful. It's crazy. I'm happy to take credit for it, but I think the folks at Eddie D's deserve the accolades. Highly recommended.

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