
The Outlaw Spicy Chicken

The Outlaw Spicy Chicken at Jack in the Box
I don't know if Jack in the Box is trying to kill me, just trying to hurt my feelings or what. Frankly, I'm insulted.

Available for a limited time only, thankfully, are the Outlaw sandwiches. There's a burger, and then there's this monster. It's basically Jack's version of Carl's Western Bacon Cheeseburger, only there's lettuce and tomato, and a spicy breaded and fried chicken breast filet in place of the burger patty. Yes on bacon, yes on barbecue sauce, yes on two giant onion rings. The deep fried munchosity of biting through the chicken and onion rings is a texture that doesn't occur in nature and there's a reason for that. You melt some fake ass cheese on these elements and splash on some cloyingly sweet bbq juice, and partner, you're in for an unpleasant afternoon.

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