
The All-Natural Burger

The All-Natural Burger at Carl's Jr.
Really, how do we know? Carl's calls it fast food's first all-natural burger, but the fact is you could slap a standard, frozen, fast-food patty on an upgraded bakery bun, take care to pick out the best looking, most crisp, somewhat-close-to-fresh vegetables, and sub in cheddar for standard processed American cheese and no one would tell the difference. Hmm, this is a better fast-food burger, you'd think to yourself, never really knowing if this cow disc is, in fact, a grass-fed, free range burger. I have yet to meet the person who can tell the difference between grass and grain fed cow meat when it's in burger form. Steak, yes. Ground beef? Doubt it. So really what we've got is a Carl's Jr. burger that tastes better  than the other Carl's Jr. burgers, which really ain't saying much.

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